Terraria Overhaul v5.0 BETA 8: .

Greetings. Straight to the point, this week's/month's/eternity's beta's main focus is continuing experiments with mana drops. They have been made a ton more simple than in the previous version, no longer being based on the source weapon's mana usage, which didn't make a lot of game design sense. Additionally, mana will now drop from all types of attacks, not just magic ones, allowing mage players to switch to another weapon when they run out of mana to quite quickly refill their resources instead of just trying to avoid death until regeneration is over.
EDIT1: Updated TML download link to fix issues with the mod not appearing in Mods list.
EDIT2: Updated TML again to include many stability improvements from the Steam TML 1.4 Alpha, as well as Workshop support. Note that many mods from the workshop will not work, only the simplest ones will.
EDIT3: Replaced TML download with a MEGA link, since apparently GitHub actions' artifacts can expire.
Also, I've heavily improved the feel of some magic primary fires and all charged magic attacks, making them a ton more useful than previously. Although I'm still not done with that.
Additionally, melee weapons' velocity code has been retouched upon once more to battle various abuse that arose after I improved and added back spacebar holding in jumping. No more flying up to the moon with basic swings.
TML has also been updated quite a lot since the last beta. We are at a stage where a steam alpha release can now happen any time. However, Overhaul won't be compatible with it immediately, since it relies on 3 branches currently present only in the 1.4_mergedtesting branch, which is why I'll continue to link TML builds together with the mod.
Have fun, and, as always, I am looking forward to feedback and criticism of mage and other gameplay, constructive or not. Preferably in Overhaul's #testing
Discord channel.
Asset Loading
,Composite Armor Textures
,Steam Workshop Core
,Big Item Use Rework
, and other very important branches have been merged.- With the latter branch finished and merged, item behavior is now finalized and hopefully bugless. This may especially improve modded multiplayer experience.
5.0 BETA 8
- Replaced magic staves' sound effect with an actually good one.
- Added a charged magic blast sound effect.
- Added screenshake to magic power attack charges.
- Made bow sounds quieter.
- Simplified mana drops. No longer exclusive to magic damage, no longer based on the current weapon's mana usage.
- Mana is no longer regenerated during item use (like it wasn't in vanilla.) This is done because you're now able to get mana back from enemies.
- Readjusted melee velocity boosts once more to battle abuse.
- Rebalanced magic power attacks, made them quicker.
- Fixed magic weapon power attacks not checking for mana until fire.
- Fixed broadsword charged attacks being activatable during item use.
- Fixed broadswords' power attacks not being reset on item reuse.
- Fixed various textures being disposed on worker threads, causing crashes on unloading.
- Fixed dodgerolls being able to be activated when hovering over GUI.
- Fixed mana effects being active while dead.
- Fixed Main Menu links not working (by RighteousRyan.)
- Brazilian Portuguese localization (by goiabae & Pixelnando.)
- Polish Localization (by J00niper.)
TerrariaOverhaul (1.4
/ v5.0-beta-8
(Custom) tModLoader (1.4_mergedtesting
/ a468317
- Not an official tModLoader Release or Beta.
- Always update tModLoader together with Overhaul.
tModLoader Installation:
- Video Tutorial by Nikonade
- Extract the contents of the zip file into a folder that is itself located next to Terraria. Example:
C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/tModLoader_1_4
- To launch it, use
. Or the.sh
script, if you're on Linux or Mac.
Mod Installation:
- Extract the .tmod file from the zip into the following OS-specific directory:
Windows:%userprofile%/Documents/My games/Terraria/
Mac:~/Library/Application support/Terraria/
- Chat & ask questions on Overhaul's Discord Server!
- Contribute on GitHub!
- Support me on Patreon!